Countering inequality and populism: challenges and perspectives of community and solidarity networks
Populism and individualism are rampant in Europe and in some Mediterranean countries. To the growing recurring crises in the economic field and the increase in social inequalities highlighted also recently by the Barometer on Poverty and Precarity in Europe promoted by Secours Populaire and IPSOS France, many people respond by taking refuge in the private sphere and embracing the theories of the ‘foreigner’ invasion. Trust in democratic systems is at an all-time low and governments of the right-wing governments respond with policies that restrict democratic spaces and freedom. The organisations social organisations have always been committed to opposing individualism and populism. They do this with the many activities and projects that combat inequality, but is it enough to prevent the spread of so-called illiberal democracies? Looking at the perspective of some countries in the Euro-Mediterranean region, we will ask ourselves how to answer this question by holding together solidarity planning and political initiative.
Info on Secours Populaire’s European Barometer:
Moderator: Mario Di Vito, Il manifesto
- Carlo Testini, ARCI
- Henriette Steimberg, SPF – France
- Marianna Wartecka, Fundacja Ocalenie – Poland
- Oliviero Forti, Caritas Italiana
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English and French